Give Feedback
“Is it better to have 10 students and one instructor, or 10 students and 11 instructors?”
When working with one another, we should always be looking to give the other student feedback on their technique. This includes praise and concerns in their techniques.
In the beginning this can be as simple as “Great job, you did the entire move with all the details that I remember”. For a beginner, recognizing each detail is a major step and although this may not seem necessary for a beginner to tell someone that has done the class 3 times or more, it is good for both training partners. One is seeing the moves from the bad guy’s position and the other is receiving praise for the good work.
If you ever hear “You know I you went so fast and got out before I knew what was happening” or something similar to that. This feedback is great in a few ways. Number one congratulations on doing the move, but in order get greater quality of feedback you will need to slow down and give your partner (the bad guy) more time to feel and think about what you (the good guy) are doing. Being able to do a move quickly shows a level of understanding of the technique. Being able to do a move against an opponent that you coach on how to be resistant or allow some free-flowing creativity will develop a greater depth of understanding with each move. This also helps classes that have been repeated several times to become exciting again because you explore the boundaries of the technique and may find the limits.
In the case of overly critical feedback, students need to take a moment to remember where they are at in the journey.
If this is your first attempt at something physical like a martial art, then you are likely developing many different skills all at once and they all take time. Not only are you learning the techniques of Gracie Jiu Jitsu, but you are also learning coordination, balance, moving around another person, how to move them, control, speed regulation, power regulation, and much more.
If you have a busy season of work and family and things aren’t as easy to remember, then stress is likely the cause of it. The brain and body work best when things are managed well and not all life is under our control. Consistency is key. Keep attending classes and studying materials. You have the power of choice and you choose what you focus on. When you are at class and studying, you are still learning even if you feel you are forgetting.
Feedback is a tricky thing, but just like our techniques the more we practice and have patience we have as we learn the better.