Slow Motion

Everyone wants to do things as well as the professionals or the instructors, but doing things quickly over and over again isn’t going to get you there as quickly. What does help you build the skills and abilities are deliberate practice and working through each part of the moves. Within a technique there are spots were pausing and controlling can be very useful. This is one form of moving slowly through a technique. Another is imagining you are set in slow motion; this requires additional coordination and balance in moves that can easily be overlooked/under-trained.

Our nerve cells have this part called the myelin sheath, that can be visualized similar to rings in a tree. The older the tree the more rings they have at the trunk. The more a nerve cell is used, the thicker the myelin sheath is, making it work more and more like high-speed internet as the signal is sent through the nervous system. When we move slower it is similar to crafting with detail and quality.


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